Fallout 3 is one of the first, if not the first, game to allow yourself to play your character when they are but a 1-year-old infant. The player is meant to be confined in a small area for this portio ...
Keeping your supplies of caps and ammunition high in Fallout 3 is one of the game's biggest challenges. No more! This video will teach you how to use a glitch in the game's shopkeeping interface to at ...
If you're looking for Easter Eggs in the Xbox 360 hit, Fallout 3, this next tutorial will show you one that is quite shocking. In this video you'll be going after the electric toilet that can only be ...
If you've been looking for a way to get a hold of the giant legendary teddy bear in the game Fallout 3 for the Xbox 360, this tutorial will show you how. Although they said it was only accessible on t ...
If you've purchased the DLC or add-on to Fallout 3, Operation Anchorage, then you may already have seen the awesome armor that comes with it as well. This baby is one good looking piece of hardware an ...
If you've been playing the game Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, you know how much fun it can be. Not only are there great weapons and characters, but if offers hours of replayability with a number of diffe ...
If you're looking to get an unlimited number of mini-nukes in the game Fallout 3, this tutorial is what you need to follow. In the video, you'll find out what it takes to make sure you have the most p ...
When playing the game Oblivion, it can take hours and hours to beat, but there are ways that you can beat the game without having to spend a great amount of time. In this next tutorial, you'll be find ...
The runaway chainsaw family of glitches for Gears of War 2 enable the player to chainsaw a target to death instantly, without having to wait through the tedious process of watching their victim being ...