There are many different achievements in the Xbox 360 version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution that are unlockable via dialogue options. To earn 'The Last Straw' achievement, you will need to convince Isa ...
If you're playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the Xbox 360, you can unlock the 'Ladies Man' achievement during the Corporate Warfare side quest. You will need to have the social enhancer augmentation ...
The 'Kervorkian Complex' achievement is only accessible while playing the Acquaintances Forgotten side quest in Deus Ex: Human Revolution on the Xbox 360. During the dialogue options, you'll need to c ...
If you're looking for the hacker device on Moon while playing the Rezurrection DLC for Black Ops, take a look at this guide on where to find it. Make sure that you pay attention to the airlocks, as yo ...
Once you're at the power switch, it's a short path to the machine that allows you to purchase the 'Mule Kick' perk needed for achievements and more. This perk will allow you to carry more than two wea ...
Beating Jaron Namir can be a somewhat difficult if you do not have the right weapons. This guide will help you learn how to defeat the Deus Ex: Human Revolution boss so that you can earn 'The Snake' a ...
If you're interested in learning how all of the defensive moves and attributes function in Fight Night Champion, take a look at this video that provides information the defensive functions of the game ...
If you pay attention to the top left corner of this video, you'll get to look at the commands for each of Freddy Krueger's fatalities in the new DLC available for Mortal Kombat 9. The last fatality th ...
You don't have to be a super hero to learn how to unlock the 'There Goes the Neighborhood' achievement for the Xbox 360 in Captain America: Super Solider. You just have to take a look at this Achievem ...